Developed as modern versions of the classic PUMA Fast Rider collection, the PUMA Style Rider and Future Rider were first released in 2018. The Rider was a jogging shoe that debuted in the 80s, and featured the famous PUMA 'Federbein' sole.
The vibrant colour blocking on the Style Rider, reminiscent of the 80s, quickly gained the model popularity on the streets. Later, in 2020, the Mile Rider and Cruise Rider followed the success of the Style and Future Rider models with their more feminine elements.
PUMA Style Rider Design
Adapted to the new needs of customers, the new Rider line takes into account both past performance and technological advancements. In keeping with the 80s original, the sneaker uses nylon as the base, reinforced with suede toe caps.
The midsole of the shoe continues to be elevated relative to the rest of the sole to minimize Achilles tendon stress. For improved support and padding, the new Style Rider features new Rider Foam technology in place of the original 'Federbein' sole.